

CropVarietySpecial Characteristics
Maize HybridSC301-KaluluSC303-KaluluUltra-Early maturing variety – 80 Days Yield potential of 50 bags per acre or 125 bags per hectareTolerant to heat and drought stress hence recommended for marginal rainfall areasSemi flint variety 
Maize HybridSC 419-KanyaniVery Early maturing variety-90 days with a stretchHighly resistant to northern corn leaf blight (Ht)Top yielder in this maturity group with the potential of above 60 bags per acre
Maize HybridSC423-KanyaniVery Early maturing variety – 90 DaysYield potential of 60 bags per acre or 150 bags per hectare Flint variety
Maize HybridSC 529-MbidziEarly maturing variety- 115 daysTop yielder in this maturity group- above 80 bags per acreGood grey leaf spot tolerance with moderate maize streak virus toleranceModerate cob rot toleranceSemi flint grain texture
Maize HybridSC 649-MkangoSC 653-MkangoMedium maturity variety- 128 daysHigh yielder in this maturity group with potential of above 80 bags per acreSemi dent grain texture
RiceKilomberoMatures in 130 daysPotential yield of 4.5mt/hectareExtra-long grain sizeMouthwatering aromaDoes well with rain fedGood telleringAverage height of 150cm
RiceNerica-4Matures in 95 to 100 daysPotential yield of 5mt/hectareLong grain sizeEasy to cookDoes well in UplandGood tilleringAverage height of 120cm

Launch of mobile payment solutions

Marketing and Extension Officer

Extension officers have been recruited and deployed to 15 Districts of Malawi