CropVarietySpecial Characteristics
Maize HybridSC301-KaluluSC303-KaluluUltra-Early maturing variety – 80 Days Yield potential of 50 bags per acre or 125 bags per hectareTolerant to heat and drought stress hence recommended for marginal rainfall areasSemi flint variety 
Maize HybridSC 419-KanyaniVery Early maturing variety-90 days with a stretchHighly resistant to northern corn leaf blight (Ht)Top yielder in this maturity group with the potential of above 60 bags per acre
Maize HybridSC423-KanyaniVery Early maturing variety – 90 DaysYield potential of 60 bags per acre or 150 bags per hectare Flint variety
Maize HybridSC 529-MbidziEarly maturing variety- 115 daysTop yielder in this maturity group- above 80 bags per acreGood grey leaf spot tolerance with moderate maize streak virus toleranceModerate cob rot toleranceSemi flint grain texture
Maize HybridSC 649-MkangoSC 653-MkangoMedium maturity variety- 128 daysHigh yielder in this maturity group with potential of above 80 bags per acreSemi dent grain texture
RiceKilomberoMatures in 130 daysPotential yield of 4.5mt/hectareExtra-long grain sizeMouthwatering aromaDoes well with rain fedGood telleringAverage height of 150cm
RiceNerica-4Matures in 95 to 100 daysPotential yield of 5mt/hectareLong grain sizeEasy to cookDoes well in UplandGood tilleringAverage height of 120cm