The overall purpose at Seed Co Vegetables is to create value for the farmer, help maximise farming investment and improve per– acre or hectare profits, foster partnerships along the value chains and promote sustainability.
Seed Co Vegetables has widened the range of its hybrid varieties that farmers can select from, with each variety conferring unique features guided by market preferences.
The whole world is moving towards healthy living with doctors calling for increased vegetable consumption and this is one of the big agendas for Seed Co Vegetables, to play a huge role in the nutrition agenda.
Seed Co Develops and markets certified cropseeds, mainly hybrid maize seeds, but also wheat, soya beans, barely, sorghum and groundnuts seeds.
Most of our hybrid and non-hybrid cereals and oil crop seed varieties are proprietary, having been developed and bred at our research station through market oriented research and breeding programs.
Seed Co varieties combine high yielding ability and good agronomic traits such as drought and disease tolerance, good "standablity", stability across seasons and regions.