VS 209 F1
Product Description
- Vikima VS 209 F1 is a white green hybrid cabbage with heads weighing from 5 – 8kgs and suitable for both Summer and Winter slots. This variety has very good heat tolerance.
- It reaches physiological maturity between 70 to 75 days.
- This variety is available only in Zambia.
Product Characteristics Summary
- Type: An attractive blue green cabbage suitable for both open and high end markets
- Plant population:28,000 – 40,000 Plants/Ha
- Fruit (head):Forms a very firm round shaped head.
- Average fruit (head) weight:5 – 8Kgs
- Maturity:Approximately 70 -75 days from transplanting to maturity. Maturity is very uniform with a high first cut percentage of not less than 90%.
- Good field holding ability of 14 days.
- Disease resistance:High resistance: Black Rot and Fusarium Yellows