IN THE previous edition of the Butternut production the issue of soil type, planting time, Butternut varieties and maturity duration were covered adequately.

In this edition of Butternut production dubbed ‘Butternut Part 2’ Mr. Mwenda critically concentrates on the spacing, irrigation/ water requirements, fertilization and harvesting.

Butternut is not a complicated crop to grow. It can thrive in most places in this country as long as a farmer is able to follow all the laid down agronomical requirements that are provided by SEEDCO.

The agronomist from SEEDCO will always be at the farmers service to provide the much-needed technical support concerning the Butternut Ultra F1 variety.


Mr. Mwenda disclosed that the spacing of 2m by 50cm for the Butternut Ultra F1 is recommended. This kind of spacing is aiming for a Plant population of 10,000 per Ha.


Butternut Ultra F1 is like any other crop. It requires water to reach the root system so that the water helps the Plant to take in nutrients. AS a farmer ensure that you plant your Butter nut in an area which has enough water.

The amount of water to be taken by the plant will depend heavily on soil type, the weather of the day and the stage of the crop. Sandy soils will require frequent irrigation because of high evaporation.


 Most farmers in our country do not realise that prudent management of soil nutrient is KEY to achieving higher yields and better quality of butter nut. Although Butter nut Ultra F1 can do well in a variety of soils, it favours organic rich soils which you can get from your well rotten chicken manure and balanced NPK Compound fertilizers. You can obtain this by doing SOIL ANALYSIS so that your nutrient values are determined precisely.

A generic fertilizer regime of Butter nut will require that you go in with 130Kgs of N and 50Kgs of P and finally 150Kgs of P (You are advised to visit your nearest fertilizer company for the specific fertilizers which should contain the mentioned nutrient values).


Harvesting will start from 85 days after Planting your Butter nut Ultra F1 seed in the ground. A well mature butter nut can be cut from the plant with your good sharp knife but ensure that you don’t injure the fruit to avoid rotting in storage.

This is the right time to go for your Butternut Ultra F1 Variety which you can buy from your nearest SeedCO stockist or online at SeedCO Vegetables.