Product Description

Brief Description: An early-maturing, high-yielding soybean variety with good pod clearance, and low shattering tendency. Matures at 95 days after planting

Outstanding Attributes: It can be grown at high plant population density to achieve a high-quality grain yield
Yield Potential: 3 – 3.5 tonnes per hectare

Recommended Agronomic Practices: Prepare well-pulverised soil on ridges or plains. Sow seeds at the recommended spacing. Apply NPK 15:15:15 at the rates of 20 kg N ha-1, 20 kg P ha-1, and 20 kg K ha-1 (2.5-3 bags) supplemented with 20 kg P ha-1 (3 bags of SSP) at planting. Apply a mixture of paraquat at 4 l ha-1 and butachlor at 5 l ha-1 in 15 l of water not later than two days after planting. Treat seeds with inoculants like NodMax (optional) before planting to achieve a 20-25% yield increase.

Plant Spacing: Sow seeds at 45 cm between rows. Drill the ridge and place seed 5 cm apart within the row at the depth of about 5 cm. Cover the seeds lightly with soil.

Product Characteristics Summary

Plant Population Density: > 400,000 plants per hectare

Agro-ecologies: Suitable to Guinea (Southern and Northern) and Derived Savanna agro-ecologies

Reaction to Diseases: Highly tolerant to rust disease (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) and other cosmopolitan foliar diseases

Seed Appearance: Bright creamy seeds with a large size

Seed Rate: 50 kg ha-1

Notice: One hectare = Two and a half acres