
A. Maize does well on a wide range of soil types, but the best yields are obtained from well-drained, aerated, and fertile soils. Good land preparation (liming, ploughing, harrowing) is necessary for successful crop establishment and yield optimisation. 

A. Start with the right variety. Good quality seeds increase yield by 20 to 25%. Select high-yielding hybrids with superior traits that are well suited to your agro-ecological zone. Choose the right variety for a bumper harvest. Being a successful farmer begins with selecting the right hybrid.


Weed and Pest Control 

It is important to keep maize fields weed-free as weeds tend to compete with the plant for nutrients, sunlight, and water, which negatively impacts yield. Regular and timely weeding of the field, especially at the early stage of growth, is important to enabling adequate plant establishment. Weeding can be done manually or with the use of chemicals. The Fall Armyworm, among other pests of maize, is proving to be a menacing pest that threatens farmer productivity and the food surplus drive. Farmers should scout fields every 2-3 days and make spraying decisions early and with the appropriately registered pesticide.


A. The time of planting has a major effect on the yield of maize crops. It is therefore advisable that planting be done as soon as the rains are established. However, optimal planting dates for major ecological zones fall within the following ranges: for Sudan savanna; first- the second week of July, Northern Guinea Savanna: last week in June to the first week in July, Southern Guinea Savanna: mid-May to the second week in June.

A. Apply a recommended rate of 6-8 bags of NPK fertiliser per hectare. This is best applied at planting or 10-14 days after planting as a basal treatment. That is 8 grammes per plant or the full measure of a Coca-Cola PET bottle cap.

2-3 bags of urea are applied 4-6 weeks after planting. Urea is usually split and applied where the soil is sandy and rainfall is heavy. Ensure the field is weed free before fertiliser application. 

A. harvest at the right moisture content, when the silk has turned brown and the grain is dry enough. Harvesting should be done properly to minimise post-harvest losses and to ensure a bumper yield. Harvesting can be done manually by plucking the cob from the plants or using a mechanical harvester.

N: B Ensure that your seed bags have the authentic Seed Co logo and a government-approved label. Ensure that you purchase your seed from accredited Seed Co seed dealers.


A. Prepare your field by PROCEDURE harrowing twice before rains establish Make ridges or pulverise soil properly on the plain.

A. Sow your seeds a day or two after heavy rainfall. Ensure that the soil has sufficient moisture before sowing. Sow one seed per station at 5 cm apart. Prevent sown seeds from being washed off by providing a drainage control system within and around your field.

A. Apply 2.5-3 bags of NPK (15:15:15) and 3 bags of single super phosphate (SSP) to one hectare of the field by mixing into the soil before harrowing or broadcasting after planting.

A. Apply herbicides immediately after sowing or not later than two days after planting. Note, it is important to keep your field weed free throughout the planting season. 

A. Harvest your soybeans when the pods have turned brown. Thresh, winnow, bag, and store properly.

N:B Ensure that your seed bags have the authentic Seed Co logo and a government-approved label. Ensure that you purchase your seed from accredited Seed Co seed dealers.


A. 6-7 tonnes per hectare under good management.

A. 100-115cm with a green stem base. It is a long grain variety. 

A. It is also adapted to the Northern, Southern and Sudan Savanna ecological zones of Nigeria.

A. Sow seeds by drilling in rows at a spacing of 20 cm or 30 cm apart. 

For this transplanting method, transplant at the rate of 2-3 seeds per hill at a depth of 3-4 cm.

A. Sow 5-6 seeds at a spacing of 20 x 20 cm or 30 x 30 cm and thin to 2 – 3 seedlings per stand 2- 3 weeks after sowing.

A. General recommendations per hectare are 60-80kg of Nitrogen, 13kg of Phosphorus, and 25kg of potassium equivalent to 4 bags of N:P: K 15:15:15 applied at sowing and 2-3 bags of Urea applied at 6 to 8 weeks after sowing.

A. Weeds could be controlled by hand weeding 2-3 weeks after sowing and 5-6 weeks after sowing or through the use of herbicides such as Pendimethalin at the rate of 2-3 litres per hectare to be applied 2-3 days after sowing pre-emergence herbicide for the control of annual grass and small-seeded broadleaf weeds. Propanil + 2,4-D amine is used as post-emergence at the rate of 2-2.5 litres per hectare. It should be applied at 1-4 leaf weed stage, irrespective of the stage of the rice or 14-21 days after seeding or transplanting. It is selective for rice with broad spectrum weed control.


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