Product Description
- Yield potential of up to 600g per head in a good season
- Reaches physiological maturity in 50-60 days
- Zimbabwe, Botswana, Malawi and Zambia
Product Characteristics Summary
- Description: Vigorous hybrid broccoli, adaptable for summer production as well. Medium to large frame with good disease resistance. Excellent quality head with few side-shoots. Cigno has a vigorous growth habit providing good head protection.
- Type: A hybrid for the fresh and processing markets. Very high marketable yield potential. Good heat and cold tolerance for year-round production. Suitable for fresh market growers, home growers and processing industry.
- Plant population: 32,000 – 35,000 plants.
- Fruit (head): Firm, dome-shaped heads with short to medium florets
- Average fruit (head) weight: Head mass can vary from 400 – 600g in summer and 500 – 600g in winter.
- Maturity: Approximately 50-60 days from transplant to maturity in summer. Maturity will vary by as much as 10 – 20 days between mid summer to mid winter plantings (in cold areas). Maturity is very uniform with a high first cut percentage of more than 90%.