The core business of Seed Co is the production and marketing of certified hybrid seeds. The Company’s seed products are the end result of long-term scientific breeding programmes. They are designed to add real and consistent value to every farming operation, giving farmers the opportunity to have food surplus year in and year out, resulting in a good standard of living. Seed Co’s hybrid seeds bring with them appropriate immunity, resistance or tolerance to diseases and reliable high yield performance. In 2015 a French company, Limagrain, one of the leading cereal and vegetable seed companies in the world, bought a stake in Seed Co.

Seed Co has managed to grow its continental footprint in its market segment across Africa, leveraging the power of the “Seed Co” brand equity and superior seed products, which are adaptable to multi-geographical settings. The company, in partnership with Limagrain’s affiliate, HM. Clause has ventured into the breeding and distribution of vegetable seed business on the African continent under the Prime Seed Co brand. Seed Co runs the largest single out-grower scheme in the seed business and has the most extensive network of farmers, infrastructure, resources, geographical reach and know-how.

Seed Co has registered operations in the following countries:

  • Botswana
  • Ghana
  • Kenya
  • Malawi
  • Nigeria
  • Rwanda
  • South Africa
  • Tanzania
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe

In addition, the company’s products are also currently being distributed in the following countries:

  • DRC
  • Ethiopia
  • Lesotho
  • Swaziland
  • Uganda

Have questions? We would love to help.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find the answer you are looking for? We have shared some of our frequently asked questions to help you out.

The recommended retail price (RRP) for all our maize varieties is Ksh. 530 for the 2kg packet. This price may vary based on location and other factors.

The recommended retail price (RRP) for a 2kg packet of soya beans is Ksh. 480. This price may vary based on location and other factors.

To get an attachment or a job at Seed Co, you need to make an application as and when there is an opening. You can learn about vacancies at the company by following us on social media and by frequently visiting our pages, including our website career’s page.

You need to liaise with an Area Sales Manager who will guide you on the process. Refer to our sales and agronomy web page to get the contact number of your area sales officer.

You can purchase our Seed Co seeds from your nearest agrovet or feel free to get in touch with one of our area sales officers for assistance.

The recommended seed rate for our maize varieties is 10kg of seed per acre

You can sell your produce to private milling companies, World Food Program (WFP) and the government through NCPB.

This will depend on the soil health and altitude. If you plant the right variety at the right altitude then you might escape disease attack. Seed Co varieties are tolerant to quite a wide range of common diseases. Ensure good hygiene in your farm to avoid such cases of disease attacks plus practice early planting and good crop nutrition to ensure a healthy crop.

You can get Seed Co seeds in most of the appointed distributors and stockists near you. Inform us about your area and we will contact the area manager to assist you get the seed.

We currently do not have that in our portfolio but once we have, we will notify you through our website.

We do not have pasture seeds; however, we have very good silage varieties in our portfolio.

You can talk to a Seed Co area manager near you to guide you on how to get the seed.

Lodge a complaint through the agro dealer where you bought the seed from armed with the receipt of purchase for ease of traceability. The agro dealer will contact the area manager to visit and access the field before giving a way forward.